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Population and Family Planning in Pakistan A Political Economy Analysis

Population and Family Planning in Pakistan A Political Economy Analysis
Population and Family Planning in Pakistan A Political Economy Analysis


UNFPA Pakistan

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UNFPA Pakistan


Population and Family Planning in Pakistan A Political Economy Analysis

Publication date

01 August 2019

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The political economy analysis of population and family planning in Pakistan sought to identify
reasons why the practice of contraception has stalled in Pakistan in recent years, leading to rapid rates of population growth that have alarmed the nation’s leaders. The Council of Common Interest (CCI) endorsed the formation of national and provincial task forces to pursue the aim of lowering population growth rates and providing effective family planning services.

This PEA was conducted between October 2018 and February 2019, with input from stakeholder consultations and meetings that took place in late 2017 and throughout 2018 and review of relevant policy and program documents and media accounts.