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National Symposium on Alarming Population Growth in Pakistan

National Symposium on Alarming Population Growth in Pakistan
National Symposium on Alarming Population Growth in Pakistan


UNFPA & Population Council

Number of pages



Law & Justice Commission & Ministry of National Health Services, Govt. of Pakistan


National Symposium on Alarming Population Growth in Pakistan

Publication date

05 December 2018

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National Symposium on Alarming Population Growth in Pakistan: Call for Action. 5 th December
5, 2018. The symposium, called for by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as part of the
Human Rights Case No. 17599 regarding Pakistan’s alarming population growth rate as shown
by the 2017 census. The first of its kind, it brought together over 800 national and international
stakeholders from the government, private sector, development partners and diplomatic
community including Mr. Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Prime Minister and Mr. Mian Saqib Nisar
former Chief Justice of Pakistan. The historic Supreme Court decision on population dynamics
has eight sets of recommendations (fully approved by the Council of Common Interest – CCI)
covering legislation, financing, universal access to services, supply chain, behavioral change and
mass communication, education will guide population/family planning policies and programmes
in Pakistan. This renewed and unprecedented commitment by the government is for increasing
CPR to 50% by 2025.