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Mapping of Public and Private Sector for Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Selected Districts in AJK and GB - Report

Mapping of Public and Private Sector for Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Selected Districts in AJK and GB - Report
Mapping of Public and Private Sector for Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Selected Districts in AJK and GB - Report


UNFPA Pakistan

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UNFPA Pakistan


Mapping of Public and Private Sector for Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Selected Districts in AJK and GB - Report

Publication date

15 September 2020

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The Mapping report was coordinated by the Health Planning System Strengthening & Information Analysis Unit (HPSIU), Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, Government of Pakistan, with the support of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). More than 1,200 Public and private sector facilities in both districts were covered in the study, including Basic Health Units, Rural Health Clinics, clinics, pharmacies, nursing homes, in-patient hospitals, Lady Health Workers and Community Midwives.