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Barriers to Access & Uptake of Public Sector GBV Services by Women Survivors of Violence

Barriers to Access & Uptake of Public Sector GBV Services by Women Survivors of Violence
Barriers to Access & Uptake of Public Sector GBV Services by Women Survivors of Violence


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Barriers to Access & Uptake of Public Sector GBV Services by Women Survivors of Violence

Publication date

17 June 2024

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The study has identified critical barriers in accessing uptake of key GBV services by women survivors of violence and has generated key recommendations for an improved, more comprehensive response for GBV survivors. There is much to be done to protect and respond to survivors of gender-based violence and it is always our continued aim to improve and streamline coordination between institutions. This report has been a collaborative effort of the Social Welfare Department Punjab and Shirkat Gah – Women’s Resource Center, with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) UK Aid.